FL: Woman’s License Mistakenly Marked ‘Sexual Predator’

A Florida woman took her children to Disney World for a fun weekend, but was denied service at the hotel. When she asked why she was not allowed to stay there, she was shocked by the response. Now, the mother is taking legal action.

Tammy Lemasters was denied service at Disney World and when she asked why, she was told it was because her driver’s license listed her as a sexual predator, the New York Daily News reports. She was shocked by the revelation, as she has no history of any such crime. Full Article

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Mostly likely a supporter of ML and such licenses. She should be okay with it “if will protect one child”.

More nonsense from the “authorities”. Hope she sues and wins $$$.

i find it amazing that aclu has not fought this compelled speech markings on Florida DL or ID

This article and article’s comment section is just sad.

The woman points out all the negative stuff as a registrant. Denotes how she had to be turned away.

A while back, a man with a name similar to a registrant ran through a similar problem.

Do people know that registrants are supposed to be free citizens just like them? Why does everyone in the article and comment section not treat registrants as if they were their equals?

Oh right… because legally, we’re not made equal due to the 2003 SCOTUS decision on Smith v Doe.

When states create their Domestic Violence Registry, will they be printing this designation on all perpetrators licenses?

Um, don’t you check your new ID or DL all over when you first get it to make sure ALL of the info is correct despite what the licensing place says just to check? I gotta put this back on her and her lack of attention to detail. She knows better. She could’ve had it corrected there before leaving the DL office, unless FL mails them to you like other states after issuing a temp paper DL (but even then it usually is a repro of the actual license so you can see what it will look like when it arrives in the mail).

Sure, the employee made an error and checked the wrong box, but the onus is on her in the end where she cost herself and family time and money (and the onus is on others who have had this happen to).

Now, maybe ACLU will take up this cause in FL. Isn’t it OK that is having this challenged currently? I know I read that over on NARSOL and believe it is OK currently in this fight. Could be wrong there.

I imagine I would be hard pressed to find a so-called predator among those labeled as such.
Engaging in an illegal sexual act does not necessarily make anyone a predator and only a corrupt state would immorally and unfairly label them as such.

Maybe she thought she was a predator for something in her past? lol Maybe they should just print everybody’s rap sheet in Floridah on the back of their DL.

The whole state of florida (government) should be burned down or at the very least washed into the atlantic !

Just look at it this way, you are now a card carrying member of the Price Club.

Predator. A contranym that reveals a lot about this country. When used for someone who touches children, a very, very bad person. When used to name a deadly missile that blasts scores of children to little bits, it’s hooray for the USA!